“Eco-Construction for Sustainable Development”
research project

Control and choice, Archigram, 1966.
70 % of buildings worldwide are made of concrete which generates high CO2 emissions due to the firing process of cement clinker. We can try to work more and more with other materials, but as concrete is enrooted in the culture of architecture, we can also develop models which allow the multi-use or the re-use of architecture, and thus reduce the CO2 emissions due to the production of new concrete.
In the framework of the ECON4SD-project, our aim as architects consists of producing alternative generic models which would allow functional flexibility through time. In the sense that the use can change, for example from housing to offices, and that the structure and technical equipment may be easily adapted to host new functions. But also in the sense that the building might be easily deconstructed and reconstructed on another site. We will first produce an atlas of references, from Durand to Archigram, and in a second phase develop models, which will define new structural and conceptual approaches.
The aim is to offer to architects and other producers of space a model which would allow the multi-use and re-use of architecture.