April 2021
Cultures of Assembly

© Markus Miessen
As a form of mapping “Cultures of Assembly”, the Chair of the City of Esch is currently developing a crossover format that will consist of a digital platform alongside a pop-up neighbourhood agency in the centre of Esch. This new platform will be set up as a physical and virtual communication tool that aims to generate productive relationship between future identities, past, present, and future identities, its physical spaces, and the various publics and individuals who claim it.
Working towards digital and spatial commons for Esch, the platform will present formats such as a podcast, a digital radio-station, and an oral history archive. The physical space will act as an interface with the public as well as a space of production that will include public formats such as exhibitions, discursive events, and public gatherings.
Mobilizing narratives of contemporary identity formation while developing socio-spatial imaginaries towards regenerative processes, the platform will draw from the culturally rich resources of local and regional protagonists, diverse publics, international experts, and other outside interlocutors in order to produce a toolbox for spatially practicing agonistic pluralism.