Prospectives visions for Greater Geneva

The Programme in Architecture, European Urbanization and Globalization, in collaboration with the Chair of Architecture and Territorial Planning at ETH Zurich, have been selected to work on the Prospectives visions for Greater Geneva competition, organized by the Braillard foundation.
The proposal entitled "Grand Geneve et Son Sol, Property, Ecology and Identity: A Prospect for a Socioecological Transition in a Cross-border Metropolis", aims to develop a territorial design vision for Greater Geneva, that will be able to propose how the current social and ecological challenges—including climate change, migration pressures, socioeconomic inequality and uneven development, demographic ageing, consumption of agricultural land and landscape, and the political complexity of the region—can be confronted by setting new goals and devising new approaches in the production of territory. As part of the competition, the Programme in Architecture, European Urbanization and Globalization will develop a series of research studios, in collaboration with ETH, organized around common workshops, during the Spring 2019, and Fall 2019 semesters.
Braillard Foundation
ETH Zurich Chair of Architecture and Territorial Planning