Greater Geneva and its soil final presentation

Territories of Urban Potentials of Grand Genève, 2020.
© Team Grand Genève et son sol. Propriété, Écologie, Identité. ETH Zurich DARCH Prof. Milica Topalovi?, Université du Luxembourg FHSE Prof. Dr. Florian Hertweck, and Raumbureau A+U Rolf Jenni.
Cartographie: Karoline Kostka, Nikos Katsikis and Muriz Djurdjevic.
On Thursday 24 September, the final presentation of all the prospects for Greater Geneva 2050 in the framework of the Greater Geneva Consultation took place via Zoom (PI: Florian Hertweck). The project “Grand Geneve et Son Sol. Propriété, Ecologie, Identité : A Prospect for a Socioecological Transition in a Cross-border Metropolis" is carried out in collaboration with ETH Zurich (Prof. Milica Topalovic et al.) and includes the team members Markus Hesse, Nikolaos Katsikis and Ivonne Weichold. The project started early 2019 and is financed by the Braillard Foundation.

© Un cinquième / Etienne Delgado
How should Greater Geneva look like in 2050 in order to cope with climate change? How are we going to live, work, consume and travel in order to reduce our carbon foot print and to protect resources and biodiversity? The International Consultation "Visions prospectives pour le Grand Genève. Vivre la ville-paysage du 21e siècle", launched by the Fondation Braillard, commissioned seven international and interdisciplinary teams to develop strategic planning visions for the ecological transition of this cross-border territory. In this framework, the University of Luxembourg with Florian Hertweck, Nikos Katsikis, Markus Hesse and many others elaborated in collaboration with Milica Topalovic from ETH Zurich and her team prospects for a more self-sufficient, polycentric metropolis. In a first phase, the team developed a Charter – Charte de Genève – with five values of the ecological transition: First, Geneva as Cité de proximité interweaving urban structures, productive landscapes and topologies of biodiversity, and interlinking working, living, commerce and leisure in fine grained structures in a new relation between the build and the unbuilt. Second, Geneva as Cité Agricole regionalising the food system based on the principles of agroecology. Third, Geneva as Cité partagée enchasing social equity through new forms of cooperative governance and property ownership arrangements. Fourth, Geneva as a Cité naturelle protecting soils, water air and biodiversity. Sixths, Geneva as a Cité Cyclique closing metabolic loops of energy and matter circulation. Based on this charter and a deep research of the territory, the planning and research team has identified territories of urban potentials at regional scale, such as post-fossil infrastructures or agri-landscape rooms, which may unlock opportunities for a sustained and consequent land use governance over long term. In a third phase, more than 30 design case studies have been developed in various areas and across the scales, some of which transformed parking spaces into garden cities or highways into urban boulevard.