September 2020
Launch DS3:
Studio Supralzette

© David Peleman, University of Luxembourg.
The hypothesis of this studio is that housing is a crucial key to improve the sustainability of the post-industrial territory and to reproduce the landscape in a more ecological manner. The ambition of this studio is part of the mission of the Atelier pre-IBA to set up architecture projects for affordable collective housing in the cross-border region of Alzette-Belval. In the architecture studio, students will work on a number of building plots along the Alzette in the masterplan for Quartier Alzette, which is currently being developed by Agora between Esch-sur-Alzette and Schifflange. Thereby students will not only make proposals for a sustainable housing development in this area, but they will also test how this can go hand in hand with the renaturation of the Alzette and its riverbanks.
The studio started with a field trip through which students had the opportunity to get to know each other and the region.

© David Peleman, University of Luxembourg.

© David Peleman, University of Luxembourg.