Open Day Event

Visit our Master in Architecture Programme during the Open Day event at the University of Luxembourg
18.03.2023, 9:30-16:00
Maison du Savoir, Room 4.540
Campus Belval

Students setting up Design Studio exhibition Zwischenstand der Zwischenstadt, Munich November 2022
Photo: Ivan Dmitrievich Badiarov
The Master in Architecture (MARCH) addresses the contemporary challenges of climate change, resource scarcity, and social inequalities through the lens of architecture, urbanism, and territorial design. Students acquire knowledge, methods, and tools to develop research and design strategies for the socio-ecological transition towards a carbon-neutral, resilient, and more just society. The MARCH considers the ecological and social questions of our time beyond the spectrum of technological progress and economic growth and, more importantly, as a cultural and political project that embraces issues of governance, ownership practices, and participation.
During the Open Day 2023, the Master in Architecture staff will guide the visitory through a selection of teaching and research projects conducted as part of the Programme, outlining core principles and values that shape its activities. The staff will also be there to engage into conversations and respond to any questions by the prospective candidates.
Join us in Belval!