February 2022
Petite Maison as part of Esch 2022

© Carole Schmit, Dragos Ghioca (UniLu)
With the help of all partners, the construction works of Petite Maison will start in March and end in July 2022. The building permits has been granted by the city of Esch-sur-Alzette on the 10th of January 2022.
Petite Maison is based on research, designed and curated by uni.lu together with private and public partners on circularity in architecture and engineering. The building, a small prototype of approximately 40m2 of enclosed space and 40m2 of open space, will introduce the general public to the culture of "alternative" construction.
Petite Maison is a curating and performance act of construction, operation, and deconstruction, taking place within the timeframe of Esch2022. Everything is documented during and published at the end of the process.
Jan. 22 – March 22 planning construction | deconstruction
Establishing the final conventions with the partners
Workshop planning and programming
Inventory of the building materials
March 22 – July 22 construction period
Management and operation
Monitoring and documenting the building process
Site visits (access under guidance)
Planning and programming deconstruction
Schedules and confirmed participation to events
Sep. 22 – Nov. 22 operation period
Second-hand building materials open market in fall 2022 on the forecourt
Free visit and guided tours of the house on request
Formal and informal exchange on circularity
Preparing deconstruction
Nov. 22 – Dec. 22 deconstruction end of the project
Deconstruction phase
Relocation building reusable elements
Hand-over event
Final inventory of materials and products
Final report E22

© Carole Schmit, Dragos Ghioca (UniLu)
Architect and Guest professor, Carole Schmit (FHSE)
Architect, research and development specialist, Dragos Ghioca (FHSE)
in cooperation with Prof. Christophe Odenbreit (FSTM)
Research facilitator, Brigitte Batyko and study program administrator, Sara Volterrani
Service infrastructure, Service juridique, Service achats
Institutional partners:
frESch asbl, Agora, Administration du Bâtiments Publics, List, Luga
Engineering :
Betic - ingénieurs-conseils, DESA- ingénieurs-conseils, Icone Géomètres, Mersch Ingénieurs-paysagistes, Metrico Géomètres, Polaris Architects, FireGroup Secoexpert
Construction companies and suppliers:
Annen SA, Arcelor Mittal Luxembourg, Beton Feidt, CDCL SA, Coatinc GmbH, Mabilux SA, Prefalux SA,
Software Provider Partner
Modena Group Luxembourg
More information on:
Final design