September 2023
Worlding Soils

Since the start of the academic year in mid-Sepember, all students of the Master program are engaged in a collective design studio entitled "Worlding Soils: Caring for Soil Communities in Minett", supervised by Dr. Marija Maric, Dr. David Peleman and Dr. César Reyes Nájera. The design studio centers soil as its subject, matter and site for the critical analysis of histories and presents of capitalist extraction. The goal is to set up shared futures of co-existence with the soil of the Minett region. In the context of the design studio a public lecture series will be organized in collaboration with LUCA in November and December 2023, with Mio Tsuneyama, Paulo Tavares, Maria Puig de la Bellacasa, and Marina Otero Verzier as guest lecturers.