



November 2023
Worlding Soils

November 2023<br>Worlding Soils

Mine, blast, dump, crush, extract, exhaust, as noted by Lewis Mumford, are the syntax of modernity, a visceral vocabulary useful to describe the destructive power of capitalism over the soil. Mine, referring both to the physical site and a property relation, sums up this power perfectly. While mines are just the starting point of a commodity chain that understands soil as a mere resource, this chain extends across vast distances, resulting in the transformation of economies related to minerals into a truly planetary phenomenon. Such landscapes of extraction—whether former or active—continue to shape material conditions of territories, soils, and communities who inhabit them. Public lecture series "Worlding Soils" centres soil—a system commonly overlooked in architectural discussion and representation—as its subject, matter, and site for the analysis of the history and evolution of capitalist extraction, and projection of solidary and shared futures of co-existence with soil hosting and sustaining us.

Organised by Marija Maric, David Peleman, and Cesar Réyes Nàjera at the Master in Architecture (University of Luxembourg) and hosted by luca – Luxembourg Centre for Architecture and Cultures of Assembly, the lecture series will feature guest lectures by Mio Tsuneyama, Paulo Tavares, Maria Puig de la Bellacasa, and Marina Otero Verzier.

Mio Tsuneyama (online)
14.11.2023 17:30
Register here

Paulo Tavares (online)
21.11.2023 18:30
Register here

Maria Puig de la Bellacasa (online)
05.12.2023 18:30
Register here

Marina Otero Verzier
19.12.2023 18:30
luca, 1 rue de la Tour Jacob, Luxembourg
Register here

All lectures will be streamed online here.

November 2023<br>Worlding Soils

November 2023<br>Worlding Soils

November 2023<br>Worlding Soils

November 2023<br>Worlding Soils

Poster design: Specht Studio, 2023.



